English Bulldog

One of the gentlest breeds, the English Bulldog has grown in popularity. Originally bred for baiting bull, this breed can be intimidating but is very affectionate and surprisingly gentle. English Bulldogs do fairly well with children. This breed is sturdy and can withstand child play.

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  About English Bulldog

Kind but courageous, friendly but dignified, the Bulldog is a thick-set, low-slung, well-muscled bruiser whose 'sourmug'  face is the universal symbol of courage and tenacity. These docile, loyal companions adapt well to town or country.

You can't mistake a Bulldog for any other breed. The loose skin of the head, furrowed brow, pushed-in nose, small ears, undershot jaw with hanging chops on either side, and the distinctive rolling gait all practically scream 'I'm a Bulldog!' The coat, seen in a variety of colors and patterns, is short, smooth, and glossy. Bulldogs can weigh up to 50 pounds, but that won't stop them from curling up in your lap, or at least trying to. But don't mistake their easygoing ways for laziness' Bulldogs enjoy brisk walks and need regular moderate exercise, along with a careful diet, to stay trim. Summer afternoons are best spent in an air-conditioned room as a Bulldog's short snout can cause labored breathing in hot and humid weather.

About Us

Tony Gunzale,

store owner

We are a family own small time English Bulldog Breeders. We have dedicated all our time in the breeding of this lovely dog breeds we are nearly perfect in raising pure breed good and healthy English Bulldog puppies. Overview One of the gentlest breeds, the English Bulldog has grown in popularity. Originally bred for baiting bull, this breed can be intimidating but is very affectionate and surprisingly gentle. English Bulldogs do fairly well with children. This breed is sturdy and can withstand child play.CharacterThis short nosed and stocky breed loves attention. A very reliable, loving, and gentle breed, this dog makes an excellent companion for children and adults. More of a human companion, the English Bulldog also does well with other dogs and cats. This breed is always looking for guidance from his owner.TemperamentThe English Bulldog can display dominating behavior and requires a firm handler to show him his place. Great for a loving family, the English Bulldog gives a lot of love and attention, and expects it in return. This breed has been used as a guard dog, and does exceptionally well given the correct training.CareA rubber brush will be sure to remove any loose or dead hair. Combing will also eliminate much of the hair. The English Bulldog is an average shedder and should be bathed only when necessary. Mouth should be cleaned regularly and underneath the folds of skin with a damp washcloth.CoatThe coat of the English Bulldog is very short. It should always consist of smooth, straight, and flat hair that lies close to the body of the dog, and be of fine texture.TrainingThis breed requires a firm hand and consistent training. Relatively lazy, this breed doesn't need much activity to make a great companion. Does very well as a guard or watchdog. A dominant owner is a must if this breed is to be well mannered.ActivityThe English Bulldog doesn't require much exercise but would do well with a short walk occasionally. This breed tires out easily and considering the flat muzzle, should always have available water..


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